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Shopping mall \Ornament\ is rated 4.4 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY]. Read and write reviews about Shopping mall \Ornament\.
My favourite Silpo is here
Modern supermarket with wide range of food, drinks and goods.
Popular place, almost one of a kind in the neighbourhood. Has a Silpo supermarket, restaurant, portative electronics store, toys store etc. It doesn't have a significant analogue alongside. Has 2 floors with an elevator, really contemporary. Parking is large and from my point of view it is much bigger than the number of cars and customers waiting for offer.
Silpo,Cosmo and Pesto cafe. Parking lot is available. It’s the best side of it. Generally very busy during the evenings. Pharmacy is available but not recommended. Prices are high.
Winner, winner, vegetarian dinner
Big supermarket where you can find almost anything you want. Prices are like in other supermarkets in Kiev.
Shopping mall \Ornament\
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